Saturday, June 10, 2006

I walked along...:

No, no Green Day quote on that one, though it might be appropriate. I did actually walk along and alone today for further than I have walked in some time. That wasn't my original intent when I set out from the house, but it's where I ended up which is why I write.

The goal today was to get the mop chopped because it's getting too long to spike. Having a new hair shop at the corner, I figured I'd just walk. So I did. Well, when they didn't have a slot open for me, I just kept going.

And I walked on.

My feet carried me and the music gave bounce to my steps, but when I reached a certain spot in the road - I felt lead to stop. So I did.

I stepped off the road and looked across a rolling field. I saw acres upon acres teaming with wheat, swaying back and forth as the wind blew it. While watching the wheat sway, each stalk pushing the next toward in synchronization with the wind.

Standing on the concrete precipice that I was, I imagined the fields as not wheat, but a great multitude of people stretching beyond the compass of mortal vision. As they swayed at the movement of the wind, I thought of how Christians were meant to spur each other on to strive for greater height of personal holiness and an unwillingness to settle for the mediocre.

And how symbolic that it was the wind which blew them... the urging of the Holy Spirit to know God more and to seek hard after Him!

I thought to myself, "I wish to effect multitudes like this...," yet I felt a sting of my own conscience within me, asking myself if I was allowing myself to be open to the Spirit's direction and willing to to be an element of change, not simply complaint.

It's really food for thought for us all. When we strike each other in conversation, do sparks fly, metal heating metal, and sharpening our strength, hearts, and minds - do we allow God to move through us and in turn move those around us... or do we sit by idly and cynically watching others move?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Damien, the Youth Pastor - Not to be Confused with the Antichrist:

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me, "Have you ever heard of the Omen movies?!" I wouldn't have college bills and would be able to buy myself a girlfriend!

(Disclaimer: Ladies, please take no offense... that is a bitter remark on how some of you let yourselves be bought... you have the power to change that - prove me wrong!)

I digress.

I say all that to say that with the recent advent of today being the sixth day, of the sixth month, of the two-thousand sixth century, not to mention with the release of an Omen remake... I have received many a comment regarding the origin of my name.

Let's get one fact out of the way. Yes, my parents saw the movie either before or after conceiving me, hated it, but loved the name. So I bare this name.. which has actually been the focus of a great deal of mental gymnastics.

How does a kid deal with being named after someone who portrayed the son of Satan? Insecurities are already present in the live of a growing person... then to throw that stigma on top... yikes.

For the record, other than my aquired depravity - which daily I strain to rid myself of - I am not evil! I am actually a nice person who may come across as a little scary in a trench coat, but you can't judge a book by it's cover. My heart is different because my heart is Christ's. I am born of light, not darkness.

So will I see the movie? Probably not. I hate horror movies. Though I do admit the ploy for the release date was either really smart or incredible overdone and cliche'.

I say all this to say that I have officially dodged any "Damien" comments today.