Saturday, April 26, 2003

Fun in the Sun:

So here I am, sitting outside in the sun... I love nice days. I spent the day cruising around with Marshell, rollerblading the campus, and sitting outside with Brent, Steph, Jason V, Marla, Jess McDonald, Sasha and... well whoever else decides to wonder into our "commune". I also went to the mall and picked up my pictures of "the shaving", Hitler Glidden, and Brent doing his Tom impersonation.

Good times. I don't normally just hang out with random people. I dunno what it is, maybe I am a little shy. It is also is kinda weird hanging out with girls I don't know a whole lots about. Ok, so I am shy. I get so worried that people will get the wrong impression of me.

Anyways, enough of my fussing. I'm going to Mike's in a little for a cook out. The India team is getting together to bond and watch Ghandi. I'm excited find how the trip will work out. I probably should probably get my self together for that. I hope that everyone has had a beautiful day and enjoy the sun if you had it and the rain if you had that.

Damien out.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Study, Study....CRAM!:

I am baked right now. I am baked in the sense that I have no desired to study. I am so tired today. However, I did manage to study for Acts. It wasn't a planned study time. While in the process of looking for Mr. Matthew Keith, I noticed that Ms. Blaikie was studying Acts... something I needed to work on... we chatted it up for a little and I convinced myself that I needed to study as well. So armed with my office chair, laptop, jug of tang, and mug...I boldly entered the cafeteria and commenced study. This blog is not long because I need to study and I'm burnt. Nite all.

Deja What?:

Today is a bit of a weird day. Not weird in the freak-you-out or oh-my-goodness-this has happened-before weird, but more mellow and unclimatic. I say that this day has been weird because it feels as if the day has happened before. It's sort of like seening a scene in a movie that reminds you or makes you feel as if you're watching a different movie.

I woke up this morning at around 9:30ish.. oh yeah, let me give you a little background.... rewind...


Steph came back from her Easter break with her mom, grandmother, sister, brother, and cousin. So as soon as Brent hears that she is back, he jumps to the window and screams some bit of utter nonsense at her, making all of us laugh. Apparently she mumbled something back about "Josh is staying with you, right?" I didn't find out about this until much later.

Now I'm down with all of this. I don't mind having an extra person in the room... except he doesn't exceed the three foot mark...and if he did, it wasn't by much. Josh is seven years old and a peice of work. He's alot like my 8 year old brother Gus. Praise God for the experience of being an older brother and for the extra patience that God has taught and blessed me with over the years. The kid wasn't bad, he just had a bit of energy. He was actually quite fun. Anyways... now that you have the background

Deja What? Part II:

So I woke up around 9:30 to a knock on the door. It was Tim Engelsman. He's a cool guy, but I never expected to see him at my door that early in the morning. I guess Josh's sister (not Steph, the other one) was looking for him. So I shake the little guy out of the bed we made up for him and we embark on the quest to find them. They're no where. No worries. His mom was sitting on the benches outside of TP, so we went over and I met his mom and we talked for a little. Then he decided to go with his mom to get washed up and get some food in him.

I guess that isn't what make the day seem so amazingly familiar. I guess it must be the weather, the feel, the appearance of the day. This "flashback" of a day reminds me of one that happened almost exactly a year ago. That was the day that I went to Sully's with Matt, Brent, and Liz to hang out with them for the last time that year.

It is quite odd how things have changed in a year.... Liz isn't hooked on Matt any more, she has a new interest that looks like it could work. Matt is dating an awesome girl and it is their one month-a-versery. He had me take pictures of them today...hope they look good. Brent isn't dating Katie. She's dating Billings now and Brent is who-knows-where as far as interests/relationships go. The only constents on this day is that I am still single and the sky looks like it could cry.

Maybe that is all that is the same... same sky, same day, different actors, different play.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

The Inner Circle:

"Who are they? Where do they get their information? Who are they? Where do they get their know?"

This old song from popped into my head today as I have completed my first official meeting with the Student Council and peered into the extensive vault of knowledge that this past year's president passed to me. I was able to read the long awaited "Constitution" of the Student Council. My fears about it were comforted a little by it's straightforward nature.

As for the song, it popped in my head as I was reading some of the previous year's meeting minutes. This job is going to be tough! I can keep a secret, but if it involves a friend... I have a difficult time with that. It makes me wonder how many things, that are not written in the minutes , came to pass as an "under the table" sort of deal.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that anything shifty has gone down, but I am saying that in this political field... I gotta be hush hush, or I'm going to let people down. For example, let's say that my director of the Student Missions Fellowship was unable to continue with her job due to whatever reasons caused by dismissal or inability or whatever... say I suggest someone like Liz, who is ga-ga-for-Global and the council concurs, I can't say a blasted thing to her! Or maybe I can...

I'm still trying to figure out this whole Student Council thing.... it will surely be an interesting endeavor. If it makes a difference, I'm still scared out of my pants, but luckily I was wearing a belt... so the pants didn't go anywhere. Anywho, I'm in the library now, my tummy is full from a good meal with the past year's council and the council elect... Somehow I have to manage to get in my shelf reading....

*P.S.: For those who faithful follow my personal blog, I think I'm going to start one for the campus next year.... stay tuned for more information regarding "From the Office of the President.."*

Monday, April 21, 2003

Mirth and Media:

Due to my present state of lack of homework, I have been able to take in a few movies and some television. I learned a few very important things: A) Even if Disney owns Studio Ghibli, their Animes still rocks, B) Even if a movie is on the new release rack, it does not necessarily mean that it is going to be a quality movie, and C) Slapstickness rocks.

As far as point A goes, I watched Spirited Away with Kev. This is an anime that came out this past Tuesday and I was very much wanting to see it. Not to mention that in combination of that release, they also rereleased Kiki's Delivery Service and Castle in the Sky. Yes, I know that I'm a bit of a nerd, but hey, I quite enjoy watching weird cartoons that seemingly make no sense... I know I'm justifying it, but I think that is makes you become an active watch and see the subliminal or allegory.

To elaborate in point B... when Kevin and I went to get Spirited Away, Dad Green gave us a coupon for another free new release. So I wanted to see Spirited Away, so I let Kev pick the other one. He picked out some movie called Dragon Fighter or something like that. I was thinking, ok...this could be a decent movie...if not, Brent will take care of him ;) So we popped in that movie at about midnight last night and laughed our heads off at the WHOLE movie! The movie said it was just released, but I think that it was filmed in the 70's. Wow, I dunno what happened, but we had an amazing laugh.

And as far as laughs go, last and not least, I have been reeducated in the ways of slapstick comedy. There is a show that I saw in I think TBN or something called "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge" (mXc)... if you EVEN get a chance to watch it, pop in a VHS, record it and give me the copy! If you have ever seen the movie Kung - Pow and liked it, you will appreciate this show. It looks like a Japanese Game show or something and they put in english voices... I bet that what is said in english has nothing to do with what the announcers actually say. If you watch this show and don't like it, I'd implore you to reconsider. Come on, anything with a "Taco Bell Reply" has to be ridiculously funny.

As I close I would like to present you with another part of this weekend's hilarity. Picture an old lamp getting put outside in the garbage... the lamp looks pathetic sitting next to the garbage can and then it starts to rain... as the picture shifts to the house where the old lamp was... a new lamp is in its place. Then, you go back to the picture of the pathetic lamp and an old German guy walks out and says: "I bet some of you feel bad for this lamp.... that's because you're crazy... the lamp doesn't have feelings and besides, the new one is much better!"