The Good, The Bad, The Better, and the NOOO!:
As I have stated multiple times before, New Brunswick whether is the weirdest. First it rains, then it winds, then it snows, and then is Bermuda weather. Today, to the enjoyment of all (and the people rejoiced) it was GORGEOUS OUT! I'm not just talking a no coat day, I?m talking a full fledged, zip-off-to-shorts and a t-shirt day.
I woke up this morning to a not hot or relatively warm shower, which put me in a bad mood, but then I stepped outside. When it is quarter to 9 in the morning and it feels like noon every other day (by the warmth of the surroundings), you know that it is setting up to be awesome outside.
So there is the good.
The bad is that because of my lack-of-hot shower, I was incredibly tired. I sat through the first hour of ethics in "the zone", by the time Pastor Symonds got up in chapel to preach, I was out. Yeah, you're student body prez elect slept through chapel...
So there is the bad.
Today we got the long awaited Room Request forms! Yay! It has been time for those for a while. So there I was all checking my mail and I fill it right out and am like "Bickity Bam, there you go Mrs. Maxwell. It is TP for me." But then I got to thinking... what if Brent, Wiediez, and I rocked out one of the new townhouses they're planning? Wiedz is a professional chef, I know my way around the kitchen, and we all love to eat! The only problem with that is Brent isn't as tight with him as I am.... so it would make a weird living situation. Brent said I could do it without him.... but I can't ditch him.
The Better is this: my two hour afternoon block of classes was canceled so yours truly spent the day out in the sun and hanging out with many very cool people.
So, you've guessed the theme, now I must move on to the NOOO!
So I went to the mall today to pay my phone bill, which was yet another mistaken bill... there is no way I could have been charged $111.00 .... turned out only to 74.00ish. Anyway, so I happened to run into Liz before I left and she looked board and so we walked down to the mall. This is not a bad thing, mind you, so don't get all worried and junk. So we were talking and junk, and I realized that after this semester, I only have one more year of Lizness! NOOOOOO!!!
This makes me very sad. Liz is one of my very best friends here and not having her here will detract from the close people at BBC. I feel really weird knowing that this will be the last year I have with her physically present. As said before, that means no more Lizness. Granted, I will still keep in touch with her... but it's just weird. I know that I feel sad about it, but I dunno what else is attached to it.