Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Great Expectations:

Sorry for the lack of posting - it's been a busy week with packing and getting ready to leave. Honestly, it's been pretty emotional - it's pretty tough to write when your head is muddled. Such has been my life as of late. So much to say, not enough time or appropriate words to say it.

It's so difficult to see the impact that you have on people. Tonight was a night for me to find out just what it is that I have meant to people here. After an entire even of encouragement and sending off, I sat alone in The Lab (the youth center) just completely in awe of what God has done since I've been here. Blessing after bless, providence after providence, uncertainy, but knowledge of God's goodness.

I would feel as if I were bragging if I told you some of the things that I was told tonight. The knowledge of your impact, for me at least, makes you want to keep doing what you're doing. There have been several times that I have wished that I just didn't have to leave.

Life continues and changes, but being in the center of God's will is consistantly the best place to be... but not always the easiest.

I still have a day or so left here - but tonight was my last round of good byes to some of these teens. I will miss them, but I know that God has great things for them. I hope that when they look back on these six months that they don't so much remember me, but remember what God did in their lives during that time.

Well, folks, that's what I've got for tonight...

See ya starside.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mentally Challenged Mirth:

I go the biggest kick out of this dude today who goes to our church. He's metally challenged and has a child-like honesty about him. This was my last Sunday at Fall Creek and well-wishers were saying final good-byes. While I was packing up my music gear in the sancuary, this guy comes in, as well as my supervisor's wife and her sisters.

While talking to them, my "special" friend says something about missing me when I leave and without skipping a beat, he says, "I hope he dates one of your sisters!"

I wanted to laugh my head off right there because of the honesty of the situation. He hid no thought, but spoke his mind, not worrying how embarassed anyone would get. Jaclyn, Marty's wife, made a quick save of a potentionally awkward situation by saying, "I like Damien, but I'm not sure I want to be related to him!"

If only more people could be honet.