Halo.... one of the greatest games ever.... in a party setting!
So there we were...Matt, Brad, K8e, Brent, Heidi, and myself playing on 2 connected systems on two different TVs and wow. I'm like the fat kid in the buffet line, I didn't know how or where to begin! It was a crazy amount of fun until it was Matt and Brent against Brad and I. It was pretty funny to begin with because K8e has never played before and for those of you who know her, even with her getting frustrated it was the cutest thing to hear/watch. (This is not to embaress you K8, just pointing out my amusement...that was sadly at your expense)... Heidi was pretty funny to watch too. I've played once before with her and its not that either of them are bad...it's just that they aren't Legendary Halo Nerds like the rest of us. Needless to say it was pretty fun, cept for one element. I don't know what it is, but I hate playing games against Brent. He and I are both very competative in games and pretty equally matched. The only difference is that he verbalizes his frustration and taunts and I don't. Every time that he'd get a kill he'd make some snide remark or another that just rubbed me the wrong way... I think there was one occassion that I got so mad that after a very sweet kill screamed something to the effect of "Suck it down!".... Due to my level of frustration from getting my hind quarter handed to me on a stick, I would have liked to have added other adjectives in there, but refrained from doing such. We were getting smoked left and right and I had to walk away from the game. I came back, finished it out, and recieved some very good words of advice "Choose your battles, they'll always be there, but they can be avoided." I hate getting so frustrated of stupid nothings... and I don't understand why I do. But for now, I chose rather to stand down than fight a war that I cannot win.
The night ended with a good old game of Starcraft....ah....yes! 4 on 4....Brent(Zerg...for a twist), K8 (Marines), Matt (Marines), and Yours Truly ('Toss...all the way) vs. 4 Computer Zerg players. This was an intense game considering the situation. We ally up only to find that I am stuck in the north west corner by myself....surrounded by the Zerg. I manage to throw up some pillons and photon cannons to protect my front door while I build up. As the computer does...they rush me many times, but the fort holds...Retribution time... K8 flies up 3 Battleruisers to distract the contingant of Zerg that were knocking at my door like the local Mormans or JWs while I slip in to ships up into the back of their one base and Recall to swarms of Zealots in for the kill...."Player 2 eliminated"...Operation Banana Ram.....Success.... I spread my guys like a plague forcing them back into their bases....and then I stumble across blue's base...crud....I leave my poor Zealots to their fate, only to discover that they took out all but 3 of their troops...instinct kicks in and I feel like some kind of military commander and I yell out "Blue's been beaten back....my raid is finished....someone get in there an lay the hammer down!!" Unexpected I hear a returned call "Operation: Fire and Brimstone enroute, sir!" Matt brings his massive fleet in for the clean up while Brent's swarm takes out yet another White base. As I manager to get another group out to help the clean up effort, K8 takes out the final bit of Red left...Victory.....once again the Alliance succeeds.