Thursday, July 15, 2004

The Fine Line:


1. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
2. Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training; self- control.
3. a. Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.
b. A systematic method to obtain obedience: a military discipline.
c. A state of order based on submission to rules and authority: a teacher who demanded discipline in the classroom.
4. Punishment intended to correct or train.
5. A set of rules or methods, as those regulating the practice of a church or monastic order.
6. A branch of knowledge or teaching.

1. Improper use or handling; misuse: abuse of authority; drug abuse.
2. Physical maltreatment: spousal abuse.
3. Sexual abuse.
4. An unjust or wrongful practice: a government that commits abuses against its citizens.
5. Insulting or coarse language: verbal abuse.

Few things in this world make angry. Sure things bother me, but nothing makes my blood boil like abuses and injustices. The reason I bring this up is because of a possible case of abuse that was witnessed by some of my co-workers AT my place of employment. Had I seen that, someone would have had to post bail for me last night.

According to the source at work, the child was pinned down and struck repeatedly. No one should ever hit a child like that.....EVER! I was angry! I don’t like getting angry, but this was a holy anger. I cried out to God to bring His justice in this situation.

I am sure that God burns with an intense anger when He sees the little children suffer at the hands of those who are supposed to showing them love. Love is not transfered through the back of the hand (This also goes for spousal abuse... I heard a song once that said “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you should never hit a woman? I’d gladly kick your a__!” My sentiments exactly). Read 1st Corinthians 13 - no where does it mention abuse being a form of love.

It angers me that I cannot do anything about these situations. I wish that God would make me an instrument of His wrath some times. Had I witnessed the event, I may have come home with blood on my hands. I am not a violent man, but when it comes to protecting the weak, those who cannot protect themselves, I would gladly stand in between them and the rage which is poured out on to them.

There is a fine line between discipline and abuse. Discipline is controled. It is not performed out of angry. Discipline shows the error of the way chosen and takes a measure to change that behavior and reinfornce correct behavior. I am an avocate of spanking. My parents spanked me and I turned out fine. Never did they hit any of us out of anger. Abuse happens when tempers are lost and the weaknesses of the recipient are exploited.

I wish that I was a type of superhero that could stand in the way of every hand raised in anger. I don’t care if I took a beating... at least I could take it.... and give it back.

Comic Relief:

We got a bulletin board back in the file room yesterday. It is both a bulletin board and a white board. Being the slightly ADD person that I am, I HAD to decorate it. It originally started with a question: How are we going to to decorate the white board? This turned into a six panel comic strip depicting the possibilities of board decoration, leading ultimately to the pinacle decoration of any any decoration - Trogdor the Burninator - in all his majesty! I will get some pictures of the comics tomorrow and post the link on webpage.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Cart Surfing:

As always, I am at work and I am on my lunch break typing my thoughts of the day. It has been rather slow for the past week due to our completion of one of our biggest work projects. I ended up going with Dad to Sam’s Club to stock up on goodies for the break room store. My job in the store was to push the cart.

We’re not talking a regular sized shopping cart here, mind you. We are talking the equivalent of a flatbed truck in cart size. By the time that we were finished shopping we had a nice amount of goodies on this beast. One could not make sudden turns with this thing. It was awesome!

We finally got out to the parking lot and loaded everything into Dad’s Element and I was tasked with returning the cart. Being the person I am, I got this wicked idea: the cart return holder in the middle of the parking lot is on a down hill incline from my current position. Giving into the temptation, I surf the cart down the lot, but I am forced to jump off and steer it because my present course would have put a middle aged woman into her car’s trunk with her freshly acquired groceries.

This whole scenario would have been much sweeter with an empty parking lot. Maybe I will return to said parking lot some evening....

Monday, July 12, 2004

Robbing Peter:

I’m not a fan of debt. Granted - my debt is presently my own fault, having both vehicle repairs to pay off as well as my newly acquired Marshall powerhouse amp head. Today came the kicker... maybe it is a kicker, maybe it is nothing... maybe they aren’t gunna sock me for this one, but I just heard Mom mention something about paying the insurance bill. My parents are awesome on a regular basis and help me out with the insurance. I don’t know if that is going to change - it’s been a rough summer on them.

Here is what I don’t understand. Why is my insurance so high? I’m 21, I don’t touch alcohol, I’ve never been pulled over for speeding nor have I been in any traffic accidents (aside from that one, which really wasn’t an accident...officer just happened to be at the wrong place at the right time and had to fill quota....long story short, the ticket was fought and dropped), yet my insurance price is probably the same as a drunken, doped up demolition derby dropout. Come on people! Who is at more risk to do something stupid on the road?

I am not a risk on the road - I think that I may be one of the last courteous drivers out there. I’m a part of a dying breed of considerate people. Now, I don’t want you all to think that I am trying to build myself up or inflate my ego, but seriously, it makes no sense that I should have to pay as much as I do for car insurance.

You’ve all heard the saying “Robbing Peter to pay Paul”, right? I feel like in my present financial situation, I am robbing Canada to pay Mom and Dad.

Priceless quote of the weekend with side effects of 10 minutes of gut splitting, face hurting, tear jerking laughter: “Open foot, insert mouth”