Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What is grace's value?:

I don't know if anyone reads this any more because I have been to bloggingly delinquent at actually posting. If, by some small feat, you are once who read the previous post and wondered about the story... I am sorry to disappoint, but I won't give any background, but a provoking thought:

If you had some posession that could be used as a vechile by which to share the gospel, what would you be willing to give?

I think I have learned a small portion of the heart behind Jesus' words to the rich young ruler of "go, sell all of your possessions and follow..." not through any brilliance on my part, but merely through privledged childishness. It's so simple, yet logically baffling.

We are bred to believe that our needs, wants, and desires take the seat of importance. It's a concept that has invaded even our theology: Make Jesus happy He'll give you health and wealth and wisdom. WE take care of US, WE bless OURSELVES, without realizing that it is all fleeting, fading, and distracting. We rob ourselves of simplicity. But what if that could all change?

What if grace couldn't be bought or earned? What would you call it? What adjectives would flow from your mouth to describe it? Amazing. Divine. Perfect. Undeserved. Grace....

Words fail. Comparisons fall short. You have it. I have it.

What will we do with it? Will we try to hold onto it as much as we can, hording it for our own piety? Are we willing to let go of our "stuff" in order to teach others about the stumbling block known simply as grace?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I am grace.

I am unprovoked, unresquest, undeserved....

Yet, I am given freely:

No strings attached.

No price to be reclaimed.

No prerequisites...

I am free.

I am simple, yet I perplex the wisest of men.

What will you do with me?

Will you try to pay me back? You cannot.

Will you try to earn me? It is a feat impossible for one thousand lifetimes.

Or will you learn what I am and the plans which I have for you?

I am the grace of God in the form of a simple material posession.

Do you remember Me?

Do you remember where I come from?

My Source says to simply tell you one thing:

“I miss you and I wish for you to know Me again.”

I am grace....

What will you do with me?


The story behind this will follow soon.