Gir Moments:
If you have seen the cartoon Invader Zim, you will understand the nature of Gir: psychotic and a bit randomly off the wall. For the past two weeks, I have been going nuts with school work and other responsibilities. Last night I snapped. Let me tell you a bit about the last week and a half:
2 Saturdays ago, I wrote an expositional sermon to preach in class. That same weekend, we had a perspective student staying in our room - this involved showing him around, talking about the college, etc. for a few days. During this time, I picked up sources in our library for a 4 page research paper - which I wrote on Sunday. Saturday evening, I was down in Saint John practicing for a youth rally which we would lead worship at on Tuesday. That same Saturday, I practiced this sermon on a friend and was informed that I needed to be more pointed with my exposition.
Sunday, I reworked the sermon, researched and wrote a 4 page research paper on popular culture, read a chapter of Systematic Theology, and a chapter in a youth book.
Monday, I had the youth research paper due, Tuesday I was down in Saint John helping with a youth rally and helping lead worship, Wednesday - I preached in expository preaching, had aa systematic reading due and gave a campaign speech for the next year of student government and lost. Thursday - I had a 2 page reflection paper on one of the leadership laws in John Maxwell’s “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”. Friday was a breather of a day... sort of. A 2000 word research paper was supposed to be due this Friday, but praise God that Dr. Gavel senses the needs of the students and bumped the due date to Monday and then to Wednesday (as in tomorrow). That same Friday I did research and information gathering for that paper, I was back in Saint John to see Three Season Ant (Chris Stephen’s band - a dude that graduated from BBC and now works in Admissions). Saturday morning, though rain poured down and the clouds were in place, I was in the library at 10 AM, I wrote a 2013 words systematic theology paper of the affects of the fall on our free will as part of the natural image of God. That night I went to Matt’s to try to relax. We watched LOTR: RotK... Sunday I went to a different church.... I read 5 articles on youth ministry for Monday. Monday - I went to all my classes, passed in my theology paper and 5 sidebars for youth class. I also had the Board of Trustees banquet and Student and Spiritual Life committee meeting. Last night ended with writing another leadership paper...for today...
Today... I went to chapel... I went to class... now I am sitting in an important meeting for Wesleyan students... after this, I have a meeting with Andrew Glidden about Student Council stuff for next year. Today I must read stuff for systematic and also write a self critique of my sermon which was preached last Wednesday and start a 5 page reflection on my personal leadership that I can write another 4 page research paper of youth ministry... so that I can read around 1100 pages of extra reading for 2 different classes.... so I can write an 8 - 10 page paper on a church plant... so I can do a 4 or 5 page assessment on my attitude about preaching... so that I can take a week of seminars.. so that I can finally go home... so that I can work and do it all again for 2 more years.