Insomniacs for Sedatives:
I have often heard it said that everyone should stand for something and considering that last night I got a grand total of 3 and a half hours of sleep last night, I propose that people suffering from insomnia should be issued tranquilizers. Not to become dependent on them, but a meter to gauge the amount of sleep that you need.
It would keep you from doing a lot of stupid stuff. We all do stupid things when we’re tired - it might cut down on the amount of dumb things that happen as a result of impaired judgment.
Here is how it would work. Have you ever seen a diabetic’s insulin pack? The “8 Hour Guarantee” (for lack of better names, this will do) would make sure that no matter what you were doing, it would put you to sleep. Of course, it could be reprogrammed to suit your comatose needs. For example, if you wanted to sleep for 10 hours.... or 2 days, you could.
I swear I could make a fortune off of this idea! It may work... however, ethics and the FDA kind of come into play and it may not be the best idea.