Reading Like...:
Wow. I cannot believe how much I have read today. I realized at 1:30 this afternoon that I still had 500 pages of collateral read and a 259 page text book. This was in the middle of a youth class, so I couldn’t exactly excuse myself to return to my room and proceed to cramming pounds of knowledge into my skull. So I sat out the class and skipped the next.
I really don’t know how I did it. I skimmed a lot, but I did retain some of it. They were good books, really, they were. The only problem was that I read through them faster than a fat kid after the last jelly donut.
(My apologies to both the overweight and the jelly donuts. Let me qualify by stating that I do not believe the jelly donut to be the pinnacle of sweet temptations, not do I view the overweight as living from snack to snack... that’s college students.)
I think that I have smoke rolling out of my ears from the amount of knowledge that I have crammed in there this afternoon. Not only that, but the team that I am involved in with the Strategies in Church Planting class presented our group project in class.
Just to add to the interesting nature of this... we had close to 7 visitors in the class. That isn’t a bad thing, they actually added a lot to the presentations in the area of asking questions. But what I will say is this...
I read more material today than I ever want to in a day. Never again do I want to be forced to read faster than a ________ (insert witty comment with a dash of more tact here).