Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Male PMS and the Return of the El Camino:

Ok, I think Courtney was right when I talked to her the other night: I think I am going through some form of male PMS. The past couple of days I have had a very negative outlook on life and it seems like everything has been going on and wrong. For example, in the past week, I’ve had two fillings, I have a few nasty blisters on my foot, I haven’t been sleeping well, I leave in a week, I am totally not packed, I still haven’t gotten to my seminar work, and I’m supposed to be in New Jersey this weekend!

Who knows. What I do know is that I’ve been seeing alot hybrids of vehicles involving a mix of a truck and some other car. Do you remember the El Camino? That nasty looking car/truck from the 80s - mid 90s? I swear, next to the Camaro, it was the battle wagon of the mullet-baring generation. And now, I’ve seen a multitude of vehicles among the new fleet of vehicles from the forgotten gene pool of the El Camino.

As seen in clothing, trends from the past have come back for a while. For example: Bell bottoms. A style straight out of the seventies made its return in the late 90s to present. Now that we are seeing the return of the El Camino, something straight from the 80s, will we also see other things come back? Will the mullet be returned to a seat of full flowing glory? Will speed metal and hair bands take the stage for an encore?

Monday, August 11, 2003

Murphy’s Day:

We all know Murphy’s Law: “If anything can go wrong, it will”. Today has pretty much been one of those days, but not just for me.

It all started on Saturday night with a massive down pour of rain and thunderstorm. We got a call at about 10:30 from the Security Link company at SVI and they said that the alarms were going off. So dad and I ran out in the pouring rain to check everything out. We did and everything seemed fine...until I got up this morning.

I had a bit of an allergy attack last night and it kept me from sleep. Once I fell asleep, I dreamed that I didn’t have to get up in the morning...which caused me to hit my snooze button about 3 times this morning. When I finally came to, I couldn’t find my glasses and searched for probably 15 minutes for them.

So being half cognizant, I crawled from my side-room hovel and drove to work. And the plot thickens...

We had power, but we didn’t have has an operational High Field MRI or computer network and more minor of the offenses, the television in the lunch room was toast.... so I thought. The High Field is up, but Dad is still working on the computer network. On the note of the television.... I have no clue what I did, but I am guessing that I fixed it because right now, during my break, I am in the middle of enduring All My Children....oh joy and rapture.