Friday, November 07, 2003

Good Days and Good Nights:

Today was definitely a good day. It started out with my morning class and my 3 hour nap. I woke up around 11ish to wander around the campus to take some pictures of kids that are here for Booster. In the process, I spied a certain someone from across the campus. Needless to say, I ended up escorting Becca down the hill and to lunch.

I know that I could spend this whole blog talking about Becca, but I will spare you all the details. I am a very happy man right now and I am completely content with where and how things are going.

I got to see some very good friends that I haven’t seen in a while. I got to see Donnie MacDougal, a very good and dear friend of mine who is now in Maryland. I got to see Becca too... alright, I’m gunna shut up now.

Needless to say, the events of the day were good. The night was better though. I wonder why. She wore my sweater tonight - which I found super cute. Here she is pretty dressed up with my grey hoodie over her red sweater. It looked better on her than it did on me anyway.

We went to a basketball game, USA vs. Canada, and the States on by 20ish point. I’m not overly concerned. I am just glad that I don’t have to hear the gloating about Canadians rocking the States... bah - don’t care about the game... the company was what made it fun. I ended up walking her to the dorm as usual and wanted to melt on the steps of JP.

It is “tragic” how one person can make you feel so great. She didn’t have to say much at all. All she said was “Good night, Damien.”

Monday, November 03, 2003

“Deepest oceans of despair, this vast and somber charcoal night of space. Have you given up yet? What hope lingers in the crevices and corner of you soul? I knew you, you haven’t given up yet. You are brave in this darkness, Saint Saturn. Sometimes the bravest thing of all is to hope.”

The Sun Also Rises:

As you all know, I was floored by the initial news of my dad’s illness. It has been a long weekend in prayer and petitioning of God to heal him. Praise God that I was not alone in prayer. I cannot count the people that have lifted him up to the Lord.

Needless to say, this has been an emotionally tasking weekend. I must praise Jesus that Dad is on the mend. I talked to him on the phone last night and he sounded normal. He’s still a little fatigued, but the worst part is over. He asked me to thank anyone that has prayed for him... if you have, thank you. It seems trite to say just that, but words cannot express my gratitude.

“In perfect orbit they have circled
As the light of many worlds falls softly on their skin
And days here pass like minutes
One moment of brilliant daylight will shift into the next
A flash of dark behind some distant lost moon
And then it is over
Like the pause before waking
Sleep is replaced by light, and life and hope
It is the light of one far away sun that has beckoned them to leave
And the hope of home that has lifted them from slumber
The hope that; though the dark may come
The sun also rises”

(quotes taken from Brave Saint Saturn)