The Invasion: Stage 2: Counter-measures
As you may have read before, my faithful Bloggians, I shared with you my strong dislike for the event known as open dorm. Tonight, I threw a spin on the evening. I said to myself, "Self, there is no need to continue to have a bad 'tude about this... this could be good....or at least non-sucky."
So I got out of the room, mainly to tune Liz's guitar for her. Poor girl is both tone-deaf and rhythmically challenged. (Liz if you're reading this, know that I love you as a friend and we both know the truth on the matter.) As I'm getting ready to venture to the girls' dorm, guess who walks in my room... the one, the only, the short, Liz Stewart. So we proceed to her domecile, I lose her two or three times. After that, she told me to meet her in her room, that eventually she'd be there. So I wander....
I dropped in to say hi to K8e and Billings and check her room-scene. Then I wander to various rooms, just diggin the scenery and I stumble into a room that I did not expect. I walked into the Tri-apartment area of Amy Smith and crew... and I guess because of lack of observance or concern....I stumbled into a Sasha Blaikie's room.
Now see, you have to understand, Sasha and I are the friends that never hung out. Like, I think she's cool and all, and have no clue her opinion of me, but who cares...We joke around in classes and stuff, but we've never gotten the chance to hang out. So last year when everyone was in the frenzy of signing each other's yearbooks, I wrote in her book something to the effect of "Hey Sasha, it's been a cool year getting to not getting a chance to hang out with you... even tho you're cool....this is normally the spot where I'd put an inside joke, but unfortunately, we don't have one. Damien." However, we now have two personal jokes. Anywho, back to the present,
So anyways, we're talking and stuff, mostly about music.... and I notice that she has not just one, but both Skalelluia! albums!!!! At this point I am amazed and quiet impressed. If that wasn't all, she staples these pages together that she was working on and she had purple staples....and not only did she have then, she gave me some of them. The jury is in and the verdict reads that Sasha Blaikie officially rocks socks. (It's a Damienism, if you don't like, I don't care)
So the invasion backfired and I turned out to be the victor.....and have purple staples now. Anywho - all, I am out to fill out forms that should have been done already! Peace in the Middle East - rock it in Russia!