Thursday, May 01, 2003

Pirate Signal:

My apologies to all who faithfully read this site. Let me explain my current situation. Right now, I have no access to the internet, my phone and Vibe (high-speed net) line are gone and in 4ish day I leave this continent of North America for a challenging, yet awesome voyage to southern India. The next time you hear from me will be some time after May 23.

So you may ask... "How IS he doing this with no internet connection or phoneline??" That is a very good question and I will tell you! I even amaze myself sometimes with how I can duck and dodge the system so well. As of right now, I am sitting in a place full of wires and monitors with access to the wired world. For those of you who are anime geeks, this place looks very much similar to Lain's (from Serial Experiment Lain) room.... 'cept I don't have a cool voice activated NAVI. Ok, so if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm in the computer lab.

I don't normal frequent this room because I didn't dish out $70 at the beginning of the semester to get "access". Yeah it might have been cheaper than having Vibe in the room... but it's a lot less convenient. Anyways, I really should go. But for all of you faithful bloggians, stay tuned and wait with anticipation for my return. Like the lord of the eagles said to Gandolf the Grey in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit", I saw to you:

"Farewell where ever you fare and may we meet you at the journey's end."

Monday, April 28, 2003

Live from the Roger's Memorial Library:

Ok, so I probably shouldn't be blogging from here, but oh well. Tonight is my last night as a librarian until who knows when. I do have to say that the year was semi fun and I learned a new skill of organizationism. I also learned that I can make up new words and I will. ;) Anywho, I just finished making Jane and Heather a goofy thank you card. I am so glad that the head librarians have a sense of humor. I remember in one meeting we has there was an ongoing discussion about getting a monkey as the library mascot. Of course this was all a joke, but if we could teach the chimp to shelf read.... wow.

So you have probably gotten the point that I am a little bored. Right the only people that are in the library are me. myself, and a "patron". I'm not exactly sure the nature of "Work" that is being done, but hey... if spending your free time in a dead library is your idea of fun.... have at it? As for me, I get paid to be here. I don't exactly enjoy the deadness, but it is great gaming time. Speaking of games.....

See ya starside