Thursday, February 06, 2003

I skipped the second hour...
Of class that I normally enjoy
I couldn't do it, I couldn't sit
With a fake smile on my face, pretending I am happy

I skipped the second hour...
And never said a word
Holding back the tear, Tucked away in my corner
They flowed through my finger tip as I poured out my heart

I skipped the second hour...
On my dreadful task
No turning back now, what is done is done
As I wait out the first, and wait for the third because

I skipped the second hour.

- Damien M. Gula (02.06.03)

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Good old ingenuity:

Last Wednesday, I told you all, my faithful readers, about my crazy schedule. Today's excerpt is brought to you by the Rogers Memorial Library...(Product placement... gotta love it)

So there I was, performing my afternoon shift and I am posed with many dilemmas involving copy cards (which can be purchased at the Rogers Memorial Library in 2, 5, 10, and 20 dollar denominations). On a normal day I'd say, "Not a problem." but let's continue:

Dilemma #1: The Student

Of course we are at a college, so obviously there are students. In the words of Professor C. Branscombe, "A firm grasp of the obvious." Today's student in question happens to be an off campus, "mature" student. Great lady, seem very... grandmotherly. Apparently on another person's shift, she had purchased a copy card and forgot to pay the deposit ($2 deposit on every card). On a normal occasion, when she asked to purchase a card, I would have taken the old one and transferred that card's deposit on to this one. However, in this case, I was instructed to take her old, used card and charge her the full price for a new one... as I said before, "Not a problem." So I make the transfer of cash and cards to seeming perfection. That is, until she used it. "I don't understand. I paid for a $2 copy card, made 2 copies and have $4.80 left on it." Thank God for honest and integrity, it does pay off. So I bring the case before our proverbial King Solomon of the library... ( at this point I was hoping that Jane would draw a sword and make some comment about cutting it in half and giving us each a half of it... but I was wrong) ... who wisely instructs me, to pulled the card in question from the $2 pile, to give her a legitimate $2 card. Instead, the student insists on paying the difference and keeping her used card....

Dilemma #2: The Mutants

Dumbfounded by my discovery of mislabeled card, I return to the drawer and fumble. My mistake is found! You see, the drawer that we have is not sectioned at all and our system for keeping the cards together, quite crude. At that moment, the cards were held together in bunches of their like by elastics (for you American readers, an elastic is the same thing as a rubber band and yes, I am being assimilated for now until, who knows when, Canada is my home) and labeled with small sticky notes. In an attempt to organize, I find a pile of cards, both untied and unlabeled. As I check the stack of 10 cards, I find few normal cards. In such a pile of what was supposed to be $2 cards, I revealed the location of the $2.01, $2.02, $2:30 cards! Again, I bring the matter before the ever wise Jane Higle, who instructs me to keep the cards in the drawer, for "Some lucky student will be graced with extra copies."

Dilemma #3: The Handy Man's Corner:

As I was leaving the office, Jane asks if there is a better system to use for the copy cards. As stated twice before... "Not a problem". I gather together scraps of various sources and begin my task. Armed with three slabs of wood, an exact-o knife, 6 elastics, and an pair of scissors, I go to work. I managed to cut the slabs of wood down to a reasonable size and fit them into the box sideways. About this time is when I got the brilliant idea to use two elastics on either side of slabs not only to hold them into place, but also to help our poor, warped box stay together. Good old ingenuity strikes again.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I'm geting very lazy when it comes to blogging. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I've been going so crazy busy for the past couple of days. Some how I managed to type a paper on morality for Ethics, hang out with Liz, and throw snow at windows! But as for right now, I am tired. I am so stinking tired right now. I'm trying to focus on the majority of positives, but it is so hard with the negatives. I found out this morning that my roommate form last year's mom past away this morning.... kinda rough on me right now. I'm doing my best to focus on the positive....To all my readers, sorry that this is not a humorous blog, but in repect of Adam's mom...... we're all here for you dude.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Good Times:

Ok, so I know that I am a bit tardy with my weekend update, but alot has happened in the past 2 days...

Day One: Saturday

I love Saturdays. Everyone in college can attest to that. Saturday is the official No Alarm Day! It's great. So stupid me is up until 4:30 talking to K8e on MSN, talking computer junk with Jetchick and downloading some games and such... and I'm like crap.... I dunno what it is, but I can never manage to sleep past 11:30 on Saturdays. So I wake up and wander over to lunch....hook up with Wiedmaier and eat some lunch. I get back to my room and get a phone call that if for my roommate..the only problem with this is that he's not in. It was his dad, which is cool, The Greens certainly rock socks and are one of my "second family"s here in NewBrunswick. Anyways, so I talk to Dad Green for a bit and find out that Brent, K8e and I are all going there for the weekend! YAY!!!! Fun times are had by all...but I findthat whenever I go anywhere, I end up bringing half my life with me (Bible, guitar, amp, laptop, X-box.....I swear, I pack worse than some girls....not a bash on the ladies, just pointing it out, I mean, K8e had less than I did.). Anyways, we watched a very good, but semi-disturbing movie...good times....


I always enjoy Sundays. I do enjoy getting dressed up and going to church. Howevet, this particular morning was different. I wanted to get up, get dressed up and go to church, but I wanted to go to my home church, back in Milton, Pennsylvania. I always appreciate it more when I go to Rothsay. I hate bashing my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but I think that they need to flood the place with embalming fluid because it's dead. I always have the most irreverant thoughts when I get bored in church. For example: the Praying Granny Anny *walker sold seperately* and Disco Deacon Dan *A three point name for a 5 point hero!* action figures...if you have questions, come to me, I'll today's thought was regarding the communion table. Well this thought popped into my mind of the latest Poptart comercial where this dude comes up to this pimped out car with a Poptart in the front and goes "Byyyyaaaaaaam!" So, I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be great if the sound guess threw on some techno and the guy walks up front to the table and goes "Byyyaaam!" just like he did to the Poptart? Yeah I know, I'm a retard.

So on another note, we got a huge snow/rain/ ice storm (mix the order up) which knocked out the power in sussex. So K8e, Diana, Wiedmaier and I get some flash lights, some good old improvision and some cards and rig a lighting system to play a nice game of Hearts. this was such amazing, simple, great fun. I don't think I've enjoyed myself this much in a while.....ok since Friday night....but is was fun. Somewhere in the mix, Diana and Ryan left and Katie and I ended up typing her Oral Comm assignment...then, all of a sudden out of no where... LIGHT! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! My dreams of a blackout day off of school dashed to a million pieces...Oh the sorrow! But I collected myself and watched a movie with K8 and Cece and Musgrave. There is more to the story, but I do not want to open my blog to it'd be a I said before....Good Times.