Thursday, October 09, 2003

The Color of the Day...:

... green, yellow, brown, somethings mixed with blood.... think of all the nasty colors of mucus and you’ve got it. I think I’ve blown a couple of rainbows out of my nose since the moment I woke up this morning. Sorry for the details, but the fact of the matter is this, it’s my blog, I choose the topic. It just so happens that my topic is my misery in illness.

I am now sitting in the doctor’s office so you know it must be bad. I am one of those people that would rather stick it out than go to the doctor. This is even more odd since I have never been in this office before. I think that this is the first time that I have actually called the doctor on my own volition. Normally I have a parent who is more concerned with my well being than I am and makes the call for me.

It always seems that during those times when you are sick you wish to attract some form of pity so that people will take some form of care for you. Unfortunately, I have neither a mother here or a girlfriend to do so... but I do have a roommate. I know that he has concern for me... he asked me yesterday if I actually made it to lunch because I was in bed when he got back from lunch. He also let me go to sleep early. I’m not sure how early I got to bed, I think that it was around 9:30ish.

I did get up for class this morning... I was super tempted to skip, being that it is that I have a valid excuse... the illness and all... but midterms start in two weeks. I’d rather stick it out and get all the notes that I need to rather than suffer without the notes. Today is also a campus assembly, so I do have to publicly show my face... not matter how ugly it is....blah.

Monday, October 06, 2003

Operation: MRS.... Phase complete:

It has finally happened and I can now talk about it... Dan and Joy are engaged. Dan came to me three or so weeks ago and told me that he was going to purpose to Joy on October 6th, their 1 year anniversary. He wrote lyrics to a song and wanted me to write music for him to be able to play it on the guitar. So we walked and talked about the song and about his plan, etc. We got back to my room and I pulled out a nice and simple progression in E that fit perfectly with his words.... so at 8:30ish in Intro to Soc., after the break, the prof called Joy up as a “volunteer”, sat her on a stool, and blindfolded her. Then Dan came in with a guitar and played his song for Joy, then pulled out the ring, got on one knee and asked her to marry him... it was beautiful.

If either of you guys are reading this,

Congratulations Joy and Dan. God has blessed and brought two of the wierdest people on earth together to make a combination that baffles me, but it works so well. Dan, treat her right... I know you will. Joy, love Dan and cherish him for who he is. You are about to begin a journey which I haven’t a clue about... good luck! In the words of The Lord of The Eagles in JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit, “Farewell where ever you fare, may we meet again at the journey’s end.”

Oh the Daily Crap for Crap!:

The past two days have been interesting and by interesting I mean they have been semi-frustrating. Yesterday I was having one of those “ I really don’t want to see anyone” days and everyone and their brother came to visit. Should have locked the door. And it wasn’t like the visits were a “because I care and want to know how you are doing” visits. It was more like “I’m coming to your room and want to play Xbox and take up you time.” I was not impressed.

To top it off, while walking through the lunch line to see if there was a second line, a freshmen pushed me against the wall and said “Aren’t you going to say ‘hi’?” Not exactly a tactful approach to a greeting. By the time I actually sat down to eat, I was so frustrated that I didn’t even want to be there. I ended up almost moving, making an idiot out of someone for making a crack at me... but in the process making an idiot of myself.

Today, I have a headache and I am still coughing. The crap I’m coughing up still has no color. I really don’t know whether I should see a doctor or not. Who knows any more. I can’t say that I’m having a bad day today, I am breathing and have life in my blood. I dunno if my state of mood to be changed by Intro to Soc. tonight.... we have in a psycho lady coming in to speech that preached in chapel last year about the evils of men.... almost any guy that was in a relationship at that time had to assure their significant others that they weren’t going to beat them... oh joyous rapture.