So I have been on a little kick lately - I have discovered that I believe I have some from of Attention Deficit Disorder. I can’t sit still! I can’t even concentrate some times. To top this off, I have had the worst week of assignments this week. Let me tell you about my week.
Starting last weekend, I wrote a manuscript for a sermon that I ended up preaching on Monday. Said manuscript was 5 - 6 pages long and I memorized most of it. Monday I preached it. Do you have any idea how physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually draining that is? Try it and then get back to me.
But the week didn’t stop there. I feel badly because I told Becca at the beginning of the week that I was going to be a bit of an absentee boyfriend, but she understands... as we speak the poor girl is trying to push what knowledge of the history of the world out on a piece of paper called a test. I have been able to see her, which has been a great motivation and encouragement, but I fear that by the time weekend hits - we’ll both be amazingly tired.
Tuesday afternoon, after lunch, I spilled all theological capacity into a 2000+ word paper on the origin and problem of evil. It was truly an amazing paper - I was so happy with it! After supper, considering that poor Becca was still studying this history junk - I designed a service for a church plant with Power Point for music and announcements and the sermon! Not only did I do that, but I also read about 200 pages of book on church planting.
Wednesday was tough for me. I couldn’t focus AT ALL. Not in classes, not even to work. I finished reading the other 200 pages that I needed to finish. It was a tough day to sit through all my classes and then D- group. I flat out told Prez about my ADD... I didn’t know what else to do, I was losing it.
Today’s craziness came from designing the purpose, goals and themes, schedule, resources, menu, promotions, evaluations, and follow up for a camp ministry and give a 5 minute presentation in the class!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I am seriously drained right now. I have one more reading and then it is my intention to do absolutely nothing for the next 72 hours.
“I did absolutely nothing... and it was everything I ever imagined it could be”