Atlantic Antics:
You have to understand that I love to laugh. More than laughing, I love making others laugh, even if my personal dignity (within reason) is compromised. Tonight was such a night.
A dear, married set of friends (as opposed to my merry set of deer friends…) bemoaned to me one night last week how their manners had put them in a position which Mrs. Dear Friend didn’t really want to be in - a double date at Tim Hortons with Mr. and Mrs. Couple #2. Jokingly, with a hinted plea of seriousness, they asked if I wanted to randomly show up at this meeting. I laughed, thinking it a joke – but the wheels started to rotate and my mind thought of the possibilities.
The week progressed and in turn, I, a returning intern, met some new freshmen faces. We all got along well and life was good. This detail is important later in our tale.
While talking with Mr. Dear Friend today, I asked him if he would like for me to show up to make the evening awkward. He declined… but the processors were already compiling the infinite possibilities. With that said, I was already two steps out the side door!
After wasting some moments of my life away in shallow conversation on the bane of social relationships, MSN Messenger, I spontaneously asked Freshmen #1 about accompanying on this quest. There was agreement and so I encouraged the invitations of Freshmen #2, and #3… the bigger the crowd, the more opportunity for achieving a comfortable level of awkward.
Oh, but if it stopped there, my job wouldn’t have been complete!
While in the process of planning, the brilliant idea came to mind that I could not go as myself, I must dawn a character for the job. Who better to rain down awkwardness from above then the esteemed Mulletman? Equipped with an Ottawa Senator’s sweatshirt, shark-tooth necklace, camouflaged gloves, mullet, truckers cap, and the trusty Sharpee-stache, I prepared to meet my cohorts!
Being a fairly intelligent lad, I checked from the outside windows to make sure that The Mr. or Mrs. Couple 2 wasn’t in there… a fine thing I did too! Mr. Couple #2 was standing in there… chatting with Freshmen 1,2, and 3… now what am I going to do? I walk around the back a little while longer and then decided to try to get their attention some how. I sneak down and catch their eyes, but also the eyes of Mr. Couple #2… drat…. He’s laughing his head off/
I casually remark, “Isn’t there some place that you’re supposed to be?”
“No,” he replied.
“You mean you don’t have, say a double date or something to go on?”
“No, the wife is in the library and I’m just hanging out… wait, I totally forgot about that. Well, I guess we aren’t going.”
“Foiled!” I thought after unveiling my secret plot. All was thought lost, until I decided that we were going anyway. I got into character and we went. Lo and behold, Mr. and Mrs. Dear Friend were there, I gave them “the wink and the gun” while they were talking with some old friends.
And so the day was won!