Friday, April 11, 2003

A Flowery Song Day:

By "A Flowery Song" I mean the Five Iron Frenzy song that uses the Doxology (Praise God from whom all blessings flow/ praise Him all creatures here below/ praise Him above ye heavenly hosts/ praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) as the chorus. I can't help but marvel at the beauty that God created around us. Think about, honestly and deeply. How could something so precious as life and beautiful as dandelions be a series of random events? There isn't a chance.

The truth is this, there is a God out there. God who loves, cherishes, and values us so much that He created this gorgeous world for us to thrive in and see the beauty of His creation so that we may in turn give Him the praise. Though as humans, we are dumb and sinful, He still loves us and is saddened by the ways we reject Him. The coolest thing is that it doesn't stop there.

As said at the top of this blog, this chorus refers to a "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost". God (the Father) loved you and I so much that He sent (God) The Son to live among us, to face temptation and bare things which men bare, and to die as a way of restoration between us and God (the Father). Think about that. Now I don't have any friends my age that are dads yet, but think about it. Think about sending your son to a people who know about you and love you, yet they are so bound up by tradition that they reject your son and kill him. This is where many atheists and others have a problem with this belief... some people believe that Jesus lived and that he was "a good man", but good men die every day... no other "good man" has defeated the chains of death and partied with his friends 3 days after. C.S. Lewis said that in Jesus' claim to deity that he was either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. I suggest to you , and firmly believe, that Jesus is God, The Son. So where is this "Holy Ghost" I talked about. Let me tell you.

After Jesus was all partying and stuff with his people, He was all like "Dude, I gotta prepare a place for your righteous rears to park was your done with my work on this earth. But check this, I'm gunna send to you (God) the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) to kick you in the booty when you need it and to give you the words to say when you're about to wet your pants." So Jesus' friends are all like, this is cool and so they wait in Jerusalem for this stuff to happen. So one day while they are gathered, they are all praying and stuff... and it happens. I can't explain to you what happened because A) I wasn't there, and B) nothing like this had ever happened before. But the disciples busted out and were all about preaching the gospel (gospel literally means "good news" of Jesus!

So my point for all of this writing is this: God is utterly amazing! He has done so much more than we can possibly fathom. As I look outside, I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of my God. I hope that when you look at me, you can see my Father.


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