Thought of the day (drawn from Ethics class): "Does the moral decision change if it is the third week of Ramadan and in the sixth month, a quadriplegic Swiss man on a pony draws the ace of spades from a penuckle deck while sitting on a three legged stool around the table with a group of midget Nazi Eskimo penguins eating birch saplings and a pumpkin that bares a shocking resemblance to Joseph Stalin?"
I'm not talking the 70's super agent with a harem of women, I'm talking the ultimate rejection by people who associate with you as friends. I hate this feeling. I wonder sometimes why I even make friends. Do you hate putting 5 or so years into a person's life to have them turn around and reject you on the basis of "I don't want my boyfriend/girlfriend hanging out with good friends of the opposite gender, so s/he expects the same out of me when it comes to guys'girls." If you vary the ending phrase, it happens all the time to me.
I am not sure whether I am more hurt, depressed, or angry. I can't tell right now. I do know that whatever the case, I'm definitely not feeling "good" about it. I can understand, in a way, the jealousy factor, but what I don't understand is that if you are so freaking paranoid about your relationship, why don't you guys just burn you bridges and stick to yourselves.
I value friendships because I have so few solid ones. I hate the shallowness that people can have. I hate being a convenience. I am saddened that things, memories, etc. can be thrown away so easily. I refuse to name names... because maybe if you're reading this, you're one of the many that's done/doing this to me. This incidence that causes me to vent is simply triggered by one out of the multitude of hurts that I've experienced because people fail to realize how much a friendship means.
Here is a tip: Keep your friends. If you can't be friends with people outside of a dating relationship you shouldn't be in one.
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