Friday, February 21, 2003

No Sugar Coating:

Alright everyone. Tonight I lay it all out on the line. I hope that you are not offended by any extreme pessimism or sarcasm or blunt truth. I'm not having a good day...check that... I'm not having a good week... today is just the crescendo of it all.

It starts out with the simple fact that this week has followed valentine's day, which has caused a number around me to hook up.... mind you I say around me. For everyone out there, I hope you understand me and know that I am not one of those patheticly people who are desperate for that relationship to give meaning to an otherwise void life. I have a life, a relationship would be nice, but I'm picky, thoughtful, and prayerful, so therefore it will probably never happen to me... Anyways, the run-around makes me sick. I'm talking that type of vomitous sick... I hate it. I don't like the rollercoaster of the run-around....

"Stop the ride, I wanna get off!"

As a result of this week as well as the pressure and combinations of stupidity, one of my very good friends from home cannot get it through her thick head that a relationship without God in the center...with a guy that's after her for her body...IS NOT FREAKIN' COOL! (I'm sorry for blogging this Samantha, but if you're reading this... have some sense already and get OUT ... I know you're not dumb) This has Damien INFURIATED. I realize it is a personal choice, but honestly, don't complain to me if you're not gunna stand up for yourself and stop being a peice of meat.

"Stop the ride, I wanna get off!"

Today in Historical Books I learned how to get an F on a Branscombe inductive. Here are the step by step instructions.

1. Spend half your Christmas break working on your rough notes
2. Lose sleep over more rough notes and formulating an outline
3. Set you're margins to the appropriate BBC standard
4. Lose more sleep on your essay paper
5. Put together in a plastic folder

Leave in the professor's office for 20 days on 18C and wait to discover:

1. You've wasted your Christmas break
2. You've lost sleep needlessly
3. You're margins are off by a fraction of a millimeter and you are docked grades
4. The second page of your essay went missing
5. That you ACTUALLY get you're nifty plastic folder back

You'll discover that despite your efforts and trying to reason with the professor and Academic Dean that you will receive an F..... right before you write a midterm on Acts.

"Stop the ride, I wanna get off!"

This series of random events makes me hate my life and everything around it. If you were looking for something funny or posative... you're not gunna find it tonight. There is no sugar coating my situation or any cliche that is gunna make me feel any better...

"I've got a funny feeling that we're all born to lose. I've got a funny feeling that this life ain't worth living!" - "Cheer Up!" by Reel Big Fish


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