Thursday, May 18, 2006

Another Day of Searching...:

Today seemed like a more encouraging, more fruitful day of job searching. I found a place that would be ideal for me and a good tap into my passions - Counselor of Younger/Older Adolescents.

Here's hoping! Please pray that one goes through - of all the possibilities, that one excites me the most!

So let me tell you all - because I know you're entralled - about the rest of my day. After applying for that position, I hopped over to Best Buy, where I plugged my name again, leaving my number for a possible interview! Score ..1!

Then came the Lynnhaven Mall - where I had an application for a place called Brookstone, a home therapy type store with really comfy beds. While in Brookstone, I got to talk to some people and get my name in for a possible interview within the week! Hurray! Victory ..2!

Upon exiting Brookstone, I realized that my bladder was full to bursting, so I made my way upstairs to the food court where, surely, there is a bathroom.

While traversing the corridor, I hear my name being shouted from a jewelry store. It's Jenna, one of John's friend's good friend who had kept her ears and eye peeled for any employment. I do my spin around and I greet her with a handshake as she tells me of the randominity, yet irony of me passing by.

Apparently there was supposed to be a new guy being trained this morning, but Mr. 2Noob4Work didn't show, so they're hiring. It just so happened that during that time I just happened (thanks to John saving my tail) to have a stack of resumes in my van and it just so happened that the store manager was there at the time too.

I make my way to the parking lot and return, resume in hand, and readiness to answer. I had a little bit of a sit down with him and he said that he will be in contact with me this week.

I said to God this morning, "You gotta help me out here, something's gotta break. I'm already, there so it must not be me."

Something must break...and it is.

"And the vision will be: It will come to pass, it will come easily, it will come soon..." - Red Moon Rising


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