Thursday, July 17, 2003

I Fought a Battle Today:

Today I am at work, like every day before it. I drove to work, set up my work area, and sat down. Today was a little different. I fought a battle that many refuse to admit. I fought a battle that few men openly admit.

Today I fought a monster. I fought a monster which takes on different embodiments, forms, shapes, colors, and sizes. This monster has destroyed kingdoms, brought down wise man, and made the righteous falter. Everyone fights it at some time or another. Everyone fights it more than once. It’s everywhere from the television, to the magazine rack, to walking down the street in broad daylight or by moonlight. Not everyone wins, not everyone loses. Today, I fought against the despicable monster called lust.

As I walked into my “office” (the SVI kitchen, if you didn’t know), and to my shock and surprise to see a magazine on the table with a huge title “j. Lo - The Pinup Picture!” with a scantily clad Ms. Lopez. I was shocked that it was sitting on the table in our kitchen, especially considering that most of the office workers are older and female. After my initial reaction of surprise, there was that voice that everyone is familiar with....the enemy. “Take a look, it’s only one picture. Feast on her beauty.”

Praise God that great is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I am also thankful that I know that though she may be a very attactive woman, what is personified in the cover and probably inside as well (to the comfort of my readers and myself, I did NOT open the magazine, I turned it on its back) are NOT love or even beauty.

Honestly, it is disgusting to realize how big the industries based on sex are. Girl who may be reading this, I want you to hear me out, even though guys suffer in this battle more, it is a struggle. Try to help us guys out by not showing more than absolutely nessicary. I know that it is difficult for you girls to find stuff that is both modest and fashionable, but it can be difficult for guys to keep pure thoughts when everything is being shown.

So here is my basic point. Everyone, let’s not sell out to Society’s steriotype of girls being pinups and guys being mindlessly sex-driven. Break out of the norm. Think for yourself. Fight the battles.... and win.... I know that today I did.


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