Friday, September 08, 2006

A Big Deal:

So, I'm giddy.... giddy like a school girl.... giddy like a teenage school girl with a crush and a bar of chocolate. This weekend is the Joshua Generation Festival.

This is going to be a pretty epic 2 days of music with punk bands a plenty. Not only are there going to be bands, there are also going to be a line up of speakers....and not just the kind that amplify audio.

Among the line-up is Aaron Steele, a mixed marshal-arts fighter from the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Chris Tomlinson from Hope for the Rejected, and Damien Gula, local youth evangelis....what?

Me? Hecks, yes, me!

Needless to say, I am absolutely stoked about it!


At 2:55 PM, Blogger CAG_fourth said...

Hey- that's cool- I know a youth evangelist :P Anyway, hope it goes well! I'll be praying for you!


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