Monday, September 19, 2005

Dodging my Untimely Demise:

Dying is not on my list of things to do today. Yes, I am assured in my salvation and I am right with God, but I there are several things that I have left to do with my life. I don’t think that it would be a stretch to say that God would agree with me.

I believe it was John Wesley who once said, “Until I have completed the tasks that God has set out for me to do, I am invincible.” This week, being what it has been, I would have to subscribe to that thought. Though the incidence I am about to tell you did not end in fatality or serious injury myself or any other breathing thing, just my wallet.

I was on my way to spend time with friends from Pennsylvania up in Marion at the Indiana Welseyan University. While traveling a back route, I was preparing to stop at a light and as usual, I started to gradually apply pressure to my breaks. My foot complied, the vehicle did not in a way that I anticipated.

After hearing something snap and feeling it pull hard to the starboard side, I pulled over and made a few phone calls. I deduced that something was the matter, but lacking automotive, I was clueless as to what I was looking for. Mutiny! The van was rebelling against me!

I eased it into a garage in Marion to have the dumbfounded mechanic ask me how far I had drive on such a rickety vessel. I casually told him that I had driven about 30 miles on it. He informed me that I have incredible luck, the rotor had broken clean from the axle. This could have sent the van rolling and me to an untimely celebration in heaven.

All things considered, I deduced in my heart that I do not have incredible luck, I serve an even more incredible God. He promised that He’d never leave me or forsake me. He never promised that I wouldn’t get hurt, He just promised that He’d watch my back.

This really made my think about the brevity of life. Mine could have been lost this weekend. What I left behind, would it be meaningless? No, it wouldn’t have. My life has a greater purpose than even I know. I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know that the Lord is good and that He has always been faithful to me.


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