Wednesday, October 22, 2003

When All Else Fails:

Yesterday was an ugly day. Rainy, windy, cold.... the perfect day for a funeral.... so we went to one. No, I really mean that we went to a funeral. We had to got for Pastoral Ministry class. Pastor John invited us to come down for the funeral for that assignment... fun times.

Yesterday was a day of odd meetings. I met 2 gentlemen from the Shendendoah district of the Wesleyan Church. That district is the one that covers the Virginia/West Virginia area. It is funny the connections that you make in the church. The chances of these meetings can only be that of the divine nature. To make a long story short: they have a church plant in Virginia Beach.

After the lunch meeting with one of the pastors from VA, I rushed back to the dorm and dawned the suit to go to the funeral. What can you say about a funeral? “It was AWESOME! Old dude rocked out on the pipe organ and the big dude tore it up about his dead dad?” I was a good funeral... those were exaggerations of what happened.

The plus about going to Saint John for the funeral was that we ended up at Brent’s house. His mom fed us supper. Mmmm home food. Got to see Kevin, Ashleigh, and Dad Green as well. Good times were had by all.

As per planned, we went to Matt’s to work on the van. it took from 9 - 11:15 to remove the present (past now) rear exhaust pipe and replacing it with the new one. There is only on problem: the tapered end on the exhaust pipe was too small. What do you do for that? Do I get a sleeve of metal to fill the gap or do I get the pipe cored to fit? Do I give up and take it out to a muffler shop? AHHHHH!

The important part is that there is at least a connection between the converter and the muffler so the van no longer sounds like a diesel.... the question with this.... when all else fails, where do you go from there?

(Soap Opera update: Covert Ops has informed me that someone specific would be excited on joining a friend on an outing that I will be a part off and also that there was much beaming during the lunch hour...... I hope that I am not being stupid... but it’s nice to hope)


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