The Modern Day Socrates
I do not claim to know everything. I understand that I know little and at any time could be intellectually bashed by most of my peers. However, I have an edge, a soap box if you will, that most of them do not. Like the market place of Athens was for Paul, the library of Bethany Bible College is for me. It is my forum where I can reason with the common people of this college and share my thoughts, ire, and ideas with a small crowd. Needless to say, I feel philosophical today. Today's topic for in the commons of the BBC library was useless classes:
Meaningless, meaningless, some of these classes are meaningless. Like the chasing after a syllabus at 3 am! I tell you that Physical education and the busy work for Introduction to Christian Education are meaningless!
(stepping off the soap box and turn less Ecclesiastical)
Busy work sucks. I've spent almost two years here and have written close to a novel in the amount of work I've done and most of this work was in Intro to CE. I think I spent most of my one hour shift this morning explaining how much mental anguish, sweat, and tears were spent in paying for credits in such classes like Intro to CE, Phys. Ed., and Fundamentals of Clapping (Music). Honestly, I could find a better way to spend my money and get more educational value out of it.
As a philosopher though, I suppose that I must sum all of this up into an ethical, philosophical statement. Here goes nothing:
"To partake in the activity of complaining about such wasted hours is to throw a jug of milk at a moving train. By throwing a complaint at the unstoppable force of human imagination, you will take your plea further than you could walk it."
Ok, so maybe it doesn't make sense, but you can't tell me that the mental image of seeing a jug (or bag) of milk colliding with a freight train didn't make you forget about the torment of useless classes.
Song of the day: Eulogy by Five Iron Frenzy
"And good-bye to everything, sayanora everyone. They are tired, write the eulogy. And I saw them as they passed, it was like a milestone cast far into the deep blue sea...... If Jesus Christ is truth, then I am mostly lies. If Jesus Christ is love, then I have failed to try. If Jesus Christ is life, then please, just let me die, let.... this..... die...."
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