Thursday, May 29, 2003

We Do What Works For You:

Today's title is brought to you by the Weis Markets ad campaign. I just got a call today and it looks like I might be cleaning up the meat department. Hey, it's a job. I have to start somewhere if I want to keep the van on the road and if I want to be able to bring it with me to school. The way that I'm figuring it is this... if I get around $6 an hour and work 4 hours on 4 days of the week, I will make (with tax and tithe deducted) somewhere around $150 every 2 weeks... take out maybe $20 - 40 a week for gas and little expenses... then in 10 weeks, I will have made somewhere around $1300 - 1100 with just this job.... give or take the little accessories that I may pick up over the summer.

I do plan on trying to get a second job so that I can feed whatever semi - expensive habit, like gaming or music stuff. But mostly... it'll all get put away for college. Must have money for the expenses... like gas and internet and maybe if I'm lucky.... Tim's (that is an absolute joke... but you all understand the humor)

So far I've spent my break on the go. My concept of time is still amazingly screwed up. I made a matter-of-fact comment last night about it being the weekend. To give you a concept of my days... Tuesday I woke up at 8:00 am, filler out job applications and went job hunting until around 1:30ish...came home, cut the grass... (a very BIG task) and then finished it all off with constructing a trampoline.

The point I am making is this: I am tired and need sleep.... good night


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